A Quick Guide to Refrigerated Vans and Fuel Efficiency

Electric Refrigerated Vans from FridgeXpress at exhibition

Every business has to keep tight control of its operational costs. This is particularly important if you are a small business and run one or even a fleet of refrigerated vans. There’s no doubt that specialist vehicles such as this have much bigger running costs.

But can you make savings through better fuel efficiency? And what the best economical choices for modern businesses?
Here we take a closer look at refrigerated van fuel efficiency and the steps you can take to lower your costs.

What’s the Problem with Refrigerated Vans?

The main issue with these types of commercial vehicle is that the refrigerator unit generally works off the engine. That means fridge and freezer vans use more fuel keeping your consignment cool and, on long journeys, these necessary costs can build up.

Refrigerated vans also have extra weight. They are usually converted from factory models and not only is the refrigeration unit installed but extra insulation. This adds to the weight on the ground, reduces the amount of payload that can be carried and potentially increases fuel costs.

If you have an older model of van, the engine will undoubtedly be less efficient and will again need more fuel to get from A to B.

But what can you do to improve fuel efficiency?

Here are 4 possible approaches that could help reduce your costs in the long-term.

1. Managing Deliveries

If you have more than one delivery van, you may be unnecessarily increasing your fuel costs through poor management. It can be useful to work out whether you can deliver the same payloads with just one van if you organise your schedule a little more carefully.

Making sure that all vans have a full payload can also make a big difference to overall fuel consumption. While the short-term savings may be relatively small, over the long-term they can be quite significant.

2. Driving Economically

Getting your drivers to drive more economically can also make a big difference. This is one area that is often overlooked. Braking too quickly, driving too fast or not accelerating smoothly from a standing start can all use up extra fuel. This has a particular impact on long journeys. Better training drivers and making them aware of the cost savings can work.

3. Good Maintenance

Another way to improve fuel efficiency with your refrigerated vans is to ensure they get regular maintenance and servicing. It ensures that your engine is working to full capacity and delivering cost savings, even for older models. Make sure that you schedule vans in your fleet regularly, especially if they have a big workload.

Another important thing to do is to repair problems as soon as possible rather than letting vans on the road that could be guzzling more fuel than you want.

4. Upgrading to a More Fuel-Efficient Refrigerated Van

Another way to improve fuel efficiency is to think about upgrading your fleet to newer models. Most modern refrigerated vans come with a range of fuel-saving technology that can make a difference to your bottom line.

Switching to contract hire can also help replenish your fleet at a competitive cost to your business. It means you get a van that meets your needs exactly and is tailored to your business combined with comprehensive maintenance that gives you complete peace of mind.

Why Choose FridgeXpress?

With more than 20 years’ experience specialising in refrigerated van hire, contract hire and sales, we’re a company that can deliver our services all across the UK.

If you are thinking of switching your existing van or fleet for more fuel-efficient models, contact our expert team to see how we can help.

Spot Rental Vans

We have kept our range simple, but with enough diversity to cater for the varying applications that are regularly required by our partners in the food transport industry.

Refrigerated Van inside Storage